Business owners have a lot on their plate. They know that the “buck” stops with them. From hiring/firing decisions, to accounting, website management, taxes, and legal issues, the business owner’s to do list can go on and on. On top of having a long list of things to manage, business owners have a complex web of tax laws, retirement plans, and business issues to maneuver.  They need an advisor who can help them thread the needle of tax, financial planning and retirement planning.

Here at Vestpointe, we help clients determine the best way to save taxes and save for retirement. With our expertise in working with business owners, we analyze how the business owner can best take advantage of the tax law for their type of business. In addition to working through the complex tax issues, we work with our business owner clients to design the best fit retirement plan for them. Whether it be a solo 401k, profit sharing plan or cash balance plan, we look to design a plan that is customized specifically to the business owner’s needs.

Vestpointe is unique in being able to weave all these considerations together.  The techniques and strategies we use provide significant value to the entrepreneur.